Nuestra Historia: Mindo Chocolate and Coffee Pairing

Wednesday, March 26
9 – 10:30 a.m.
Bert Walker Hall, Room 144 – 145

Discover the journey from bean to bar in this comprehensive workshop, where you’ll first learn about Mindo Chocolates sustainable and ethical sourcing practices for cocoa beans and coffee, and how they support local farmers and reforestation efforts in Ecuador. Watch a detailed presentation on the chocolate-making process, from the careful cultivation of cocoa beans to the crafting of fine chocolate. Gain insights into the journey of coffee beans from farm to cup, explore various brewing techniques, and understand how these methods influence flavor profiles. Engage in tastings of cocoa nibs and freshly made chocolates with different percentages, paired with various coffee brews to find the perfect combinations. Additionally, observe different coffee brewing methods and participate in an in-depth tasting evaluation to learn how we assess the quality of our chocolate. Cost: $60.

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